Slot drain pool installation done perfectly - Vodaland

Slot drain pool installation done perfectly

We actually installed our slot drains over 2 years ago around a clients pool. And to this day we are still getting business from other customers, just off that installation. 

The slot drain systems are a perfect solution, in our opinion for any general contractor that wants to get their customer the result that they need, and exceed their expectations in the process. 

The customer service reps at Vodaland are excellent and extremely knowledgeable. As most of general contractors know, suppliers are rarely educated fully on the products, however Vodaland does not have this problem. And even better, you will speak to an actual person immediately. 

The slot drain systems are simple to set up in your base, easy to instal as the mounting brackets hold everything into place. 

Not exaggerating at all when I say you can do a 100 LF run set up and install within a day. It goes super fast, and very clean looking when done. 

Since that time of installation. Vodaland has come out with a plethora of different options and other designs in their slot drains that we have definitely taken advantage of. From their heel proof caps, to their wall slot and micro slot system. It seems as though they really listen to their customers and make new products as soon as they get suggestions.

We highly recommend Standartpark to any and every general contractor out their for all reasons listed above. And FULLY endorse the Slot Drain System. 


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